Customer service

Mátrametál Kft. has paid special attention to serving its customers since its founding. We are aware that the mere fact that we produce a good product is not enough for success! In order to have satisfied customers, good service is equally important.

Therefore, one of the pillars of our business philosophy is to serve our partners with the greatest care, fairness and empathy. This end is served by our colleagues’ excellent language skills as well. We speak English and German, which ensures fluent international communication and prevents misunderstandings.

It matters to us that our partners feel assured their orders are in good hands; orders will be completed in the required quality and quantity, with the given graphic design and required technical parameters, by the deadline. As there are a number of issues to manage – from taking orders through manufacturing to delivering the products – we regularly improve our customer service. Our colleagues’ knowledge, their familiarity with the system, their broad range of active language skills, their dedication and, last but not least, their experience helps us to realise our customers’ wishes.

Our 9-member customer service team assists our partners with customer-centered service, polite communication, outstanding patience and helpful counsel. The majority of our colleagues have been in the service of Mátrametál Kft. for over 10 years. Thus our colleagues can contribute their unique experience to the operation of our company, handling and serving our customers at a very high level.

Our colleagues provide assistance to our customers regarding manufacturing and design so that they receive a perfect copy of the product they envisioned. Each of our partners is assigned a dedicated customer service assistant for the sake of building an optimal with our customers. Our assistants offer a broad range of services, such as: helping with administering orders and invoices, providing professional advice, handling complaints, and coordinating processes related to orders, graphic preparation and manufacturing.

Thanks to the high quality of our services and products, the majority of our customers have considered Mátrametál their number one supplier for over 10 years. We are proud that our partners express their gratitude for our work with daily positive feedback. This reinforces our conviction that, even after half a century, Mátrametál Kft. is moving on a successful path, giving us further strength to develop our company and reach our new goals.

Our company has a stable commitment to customer satisfaction. Our goal is to make our customers satisfied not just with the quality of our products, but also the quality of the service they receive. Our customer service is working day in and day out to maintain the customer experience and to take it to the next level!

Katalin Horváth

Commercial and Customer service Director

  +36 36 361 377 / 305

Customer service MANAGER

Krisztina Nagy

  +36 36 361 377 / 312

Customer service colleagues

 Judit Borostyán

  +36 36 361 377 / 304

Angéla Kazai

  +36 36 361 377 / 306

Zoltán Virág

  +36 36 361 377 / 303

Krisztina Fülöp

  +36 36 361 377 / 309

Mónika Schwarczkopf

  +36 36 361 377 / 303

Bernadett Szoboszlai

  +36 36 361 377 / 313

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